+420 222 312 494 info@dacr.cz
According to the Statement on the Co-operative Identity, approved by the International Co-operative Alliance (ICA) in 1995, a cooperative is an autonomous association of persons who have voluntarily united in order to satisfy their economic, social and cultural needs, by means of a commonly owned and democratically managed company. A similar definition can also be found in a document of the International Labour Office, concerning the role of co-operatives in economic and social development.
For the co-operative system, international co-operative principles, approved in Manchester in 1995 by the International Co-operative Alliance, are fundamental.
These particularly include:
According to the traditions of the founders, members of a co-operative believe in fundamental values, such as honesty, openness, social responsibility and care about others.
The co-operative system in the Czech Republic, as well as all its extensions, which will be further introduced in more detail according to the field of their activities, are also based on these principles. The leading organization of the co-operative system in the Czech Republic is the Co-operative Association of the Czech Republic, which represents the Czech and Moravian co-operative system and its interests in the public in the Czech Republic, as well as abroad.
The Czech co-operative system has a rich, more than 160 years long tradition and the Co-operative Association of the Czech Republic draws upon the traditions of co-operative values and principles, in order to serve its members and at the same time contribute to the improvement of economic and social conditions of life in society,. Together with member organizations, it co-operates with the government and individual ministries, promotes the interests and needs of co-operatives and their associations and supports the general development of the co-operative system.
Is a professional association of legal entities for discussing and dealing with common co-operative issues, for the protection, support and promotion of interests of co-operatives and their members.
The Co-operative Association of the Czech Republic, as the national co-operative central body, integrates the Union of Czech and Moravian housing co-operatives, the Union of Czech and Moravian Consumer Co-operatives, the Union of Czech Production Co-operatives and the Agricultural Association of the Czech Republic.
The Co-operative Association of the Czech Republic is also an important and long-standing member of the International Co-operative Alliance and draws upon the traditions of the co-operative movement in the previous Czechoslovak Republic. Representatives of the co-operative system of the Czech Republic are also members of international co-operative bodies and organizations, , in which they hold important posts.
The Co-operative Association of the Czech Republic, as the coordination centre of the Czech and Moravian co-operative system, represents the interests of the co-operative system in relation to legislative and executive state bodies and in the public. For member organizations, it provides consulting and legislative initiatives and it coordinates procedures in matters of common interest, in individual areas of international relations, it promotes the interests of co-operative system abroad.
In its activities, it draws upon more that a 160 year long history, on the traditions of co-operative values and principles, in order to contribute to the improvement of economic and social conditions of social life.
At the head of the Co-operative Association of the Czech Republic, there is a Board, which is its executive and statutory body. The Board discusses and decides about issues determined by the statutes and fulfils tasks in accordance with the statutes and the resolutions of the General Assembly. The President of the Board is always elected for one year, from among the presidents of member associations.
Activities of the Co-operative Association are provided by a work group, with specialists from the economic, legal and international relations areas at its head. Important issues are discussed in commissions consisting of selected specialists from individual member associations and external persons.
In its activities, it draws upon more that a 160 year long history, on the traditions of co-operative values and principles, in order to contribute to the improvement of economic and social conditions of social life.
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Co-operative Association of the CR
Těšnov 5, 110 00 Praha 1
+ 420 222 312 494
sekretariat@dacr.cz www.dacr.cz